Saturday 5 November 2011


Name 7 people you can think of
right off the top of your head.
Don't read the questions until you
write the names of the 7 people.
1.Ezyan Murni
2.Hasibah Halim
Wani Bukang
4.Emira Syahirah

Reminder : Don't read ahead
unless you fill above names first!

Question 1 : How do you meet 1? 
wk2 frst msok blik pas dftr ry2..3 owg bodyguard yg dy bwak suh angkt brng2 dy!!

Question 2 : On the Scale of 1 - 10, how you rate your relationship with no 1?

awat skala nyer smpe 10 je??dlmmmm 9.05..

Question 3 : How long have you known 4?
around 5 months g2..

Question 4 : How do you know number 3? 
wk2 msok blik mse mle2 msok matrik..mke dy cdih je..tanak pish ngan mak dy 2..hihi

Question 5 : Where 5?
umah dy laa..

Question 6 : A fact about number 1? 
kalo pgi2 ta dengo alarm dy mnjert2 mmg ta sah!!! tpi dy nyer ta bngun2 pown..huhuhuhu~~~

Question 7 : Who is no 4 going out with? 
katak!! hihi

Question 8 : What does no 1 do for living?
MKAN laa!!! kalo dy ta mkan, nmpk le tulng dy 2..

question 9 : Would you live with number 3?
perlu keewww???
ta kan~~

Question 10 : What do you like about no 2? 
ske gletek dy,,msti mngelejt smacm je kalo wat..hihihi~

Question 11 : Do you miss number 5?
urrrmmm~..ta sgt kot..hihihi

Question 12 : Would you make out with number 4? 
ta snggop..tmbh2 kalo g shopin..msti psing 1 shopin mall 2..kdai semua nak msok..kalo leh, nak psang khemh kat s2..sok leh smbng shopin..hihihi~~

Question 13 : What's your opinion of number 2? 
traffic impulse dy jam..hihihi..

Question 14 : What is your fav memory with number 5?
 stdi ngan dy pgi2 bute,,dy da ngantok tpi nak gak stdi...last2 1 soaln pown ta abez wat dy g tido..

Question 15 : What would you do if number 1 going out with number 2? 
jelez laa..ta mgkin kot..dme msti setia..ta leh crang2..

Question 16 : Ever had a long conversation with number 5?
slalo gak~~

Question 17 : have you ever slept at number 2's house? 
xpena...g pown ta pena pe tah g nak tido..

Question 18 : Do you hang out with number 3 often?
of coz laa..smpe da ta lalu..

Question 19 : Who do you known the longest?
semua nyer bwu knai..tpi yg mle2 wani laa...pas2 bwu yan n su..

Question 20 : How often do you talk to number 1?
really often~~leh ckap stiap saat..hihii..

Question 21:What about number 2?
mgkin kurng spluh ribu kot dri yan...

Question 22 : Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend?
mmg la..ktak ktekan~~

Question 23 : May be you want to go out for a date with number 5? 
ta sanggop tman..kang pnat dengo dy ckap "perlu kew??ta kan~~"

Question 24 : Do you dream about number 2?
de gak..tpi bngun2 lper daa.

Question 25 : What did number 4 did to you that you never forget? 
semua nyer ingt pee..

Question 26 : What have you done to number 1 that he/she never forget?
dy kte wk2 i trjtoh smpe nak lnggar tbing..

Question 27 : What is number 3's hobby?
dulu bkan maen nak jge jati ganu dy..asyk bukang2 je...skunk ny "perlu kew??ta kan~~"..i2 le hobby dy..

Question 28 : Who do you want to tag?
anyone who want to...

---------------------------------------------------------------------SECOND TAG
Last phone call
Last text msg
opah ciboh
Last time cried
lme da rsenyer..msti pnuh kan klenjr airmata i kan??
Date someone twice?
nope!even date for frst time never..
kiss someone and regretted it
ane leh mnyesal..hihi
Lost someone special
tapena g kani ngan oku..
Fallen out of love

Laughed until you cried
mmg pown..stiap kli glak mmg nak nanges..
Met someone who change your life
msti la de!!
Found out someone was talking about you
mnusia kowt!!kalo ta ckap sal owg nak ckap sal sapew g..
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life?
ta kire la lak!!
How many kids do you want to have?
rezeki 2..kalo de,de laa..kalo tade,tadela..cri le jlan laen..huhu..kan2 wani??
Do you have any pets?
NEVVVEEEERRRRR!!! de skali je ri2..i2 pown brung skit..i jga la dy..pas sminggu da chat,lpas kan le dy..cdih gler time 2.. tpi mmg nak sgt2..tpi cian lak krung dme..tape laaa~~
Do you want to change your name?
wat pew?? nme ny pown da ckop cdap wat i..kalo tuko nme pown,nak buh nme peww??
What time did you wake up today?
6.15 am..huhu..
What were you doing at midnight last night?
tgok tv n bce novel

Name something you cannot wait for?
nak knekan owg laa~~ hobi 2..
Last time you see your father?
bwu sat tdi..
What’s one thing you wish could change?
administration system of malaysia..truk sgt!!!

Have you ever talk to a person named Tom?
Tom Cruise?? dy slalo gak la smbang ngan i..tpi i dengo je,,ta jwab pown..(tgok tv)
What getting on your nerves right now?
tkot kne tndang!!
Elementary/primary school
due2 le..
Middle/secondary school
secondary la..
Hair color
wk2 lhir rmbut wane ijooo..tpi skunk ny wane kan itam..kang owg kte plik sgt lakk
Long or short
most prefer pnjng
Want kids
of cozz!!!
Want to get married
Career in mind

Kiss a stranger
Lost glasses/contacts
mate i chat laaa..
Ran away from home
lari ta pena...jlan slalu laa
Broken someone’s heart
tah!! kalo aty dy ptah pown, dy je tau kan??
Been arrested
idookkk lee...
Cried when someone died
wat mse ny..ta de g owg yg btoi2 dkat mninggl..
Is there any person you want to be with right now?
watt  gapo!! jdi dri sndri jelaaa
Do you believe in God?
of coz..

Tuesday 4 October 2011


ary ny sy nak cite ckit sal sc comp..slah 1 tjok yg sng nak ingt ialah network topology ny actually de bnyk..tpi dlm syllbus 3 je; bus, star n ring..

i)Bus Network Topology
bus ny cable yg connects compter n devices yg transmit in a series of a signal.. kalo 1 device je yg break, network still g leh access.. bus network ny murah sbb backbone dy tpi,,kalo backbone ny break, ta leh la nak access internet..

ii)Star Network Topology
Star topology ny lak,semua devices connect kat central device..sbb tu lah jdi star..central device tu ialah hub n switch..kalo 1 device fails, yg tu je la yg effected..tpi kalo hub o switch yg rosk, network ny ta leh nak operate..topology ny bnyk gne cable than topology yg laen...g 1,ny g mhal sbb cost hub ngan switch..

iii) Ring Network Topology
Cable dlm ring topology ny forms a closed loop ngan devices kat ring 2...ring ny gne token..device yg de token je leh anto data,device laen kne le tnggu dy will down walopown 1 je device yg ny lmbt sbb kne pas kat semua ny leh share sme bnyk sbb token passing transmits dlam topology ny simple..

kalo nak tau g details, click kat link bwh ny..

Monday 26 September 2011

Its have been a long time!!!

The first time I've heard about 'science computer',I reallyyy dont have nothing in my mind..I also keep asking from my brother's friend about it..she also doesn't really know about this even she was studied in orientation week, i keep thinking what module should i take;module 1 or 3.. in deep of thnking,i realize that i dont really cope with physics.. so, i take decide to be in module 3..the first class is science computer's practical...that was the 3 months comp really improves my knowledge specially about before i never care about those things..i feel really lucky,,as i have made a good decision..not drop this new subject for me..i really enjoy studying sc comp all this time~~~